Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Meet My Kitty Cat Patches

Meet Patches, my father in law got him from some children on a farm in the town that he lives in. Long story short, but my father in law decided he couldn't take care of him anymore. So my husband and I said that we would take him till we could find him a new home, because we already have 2 cats at our house. Mike's sister said that she would take him but just never came for him. After $500.00 invested in having him fixed and groomed to remove the fleas, we decided to keep him. We named him Patches because he was white with grey patches all over him. After a while we noticed that when he stood with his front legs together that one of his patches was shaped in a heart. How perfect for Valentine's day! Needless to say he has won our hearts and rules the house. There is know way that that he is going anywhere...but our house. 

   For some reason Patches likes sleeping in the middle of the vacuum hose! 

Mike and I were going out of town for a few days, Patches was laying on my suitcase making sure that he wasn't left behind.

    Patches hiding behind a plant, I think he thinks he is in a jungle!

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