
Tax Time with a Little Help

I've been busy the last 2 weeks preparing for my taxes, I have my glass business, my rental properties and our personal taxes.  I am not the best at keeping track. Every year I say I am going to be more orgainzed. I have all the receipts but before I know it, it is December 31st and I haven't done a thing with them. So far I am all organized for next year so that it's not such a big job when tax time rolls around. This year I had a little helper. I looked down at the box that I keep my past taxes in and Patches had made himself comfortable in the box. Give him a box any box and he just loves it. He is so funny!

Should I send him off to the IRS maybe they will give me a break! lol


      Peanut Butter Treats for Your Four Legged Friends

My Dog Mackenzie passes away a few years ago. When she was alive she loved treats... almost too much. Lets just say that she was a little over weight. I tried to substitute her treats with carrots, and put pumpkin puree in her food to try to fill her up. She was a beautiful black lab and had a heart of gold. My son Kevin got a puppy from his girlfriend, now his fiancee Amanda for Christmas in 2011. I forgot how much I missed having a dog. 

This is Bailey, he is such a great dog. He loves when he comes to my house, he knows when we are close. I have to duck when I open the door or he will just run over me! He is getting better now that he is getting a little older. Kevin can leave him alone when he goes to school now. I am so proud of him!

We live on Lake Ontario and Bailey loves to go for walks with Kevin and his sister Zoe along the shore. Zoe is a miniature Doxin.  

Zoe just got back from the groomers.She is showing off her new scarf, she is so sweat. Her and Bailey love each other. It is so funny to watch them. Because Bailey is so big and Zoe is so small even though Bailey thinks she is small too. 

Oh and then there is Baby. Zoe and Baby belong to Amanda, Kevin's fiancee. Baby was the first in the family. I don't think she was really happy about Bailey and Zoe. 

So as a good Grandmother I like to spoil my grand-dogs with cookies. I bought a dog treat cookbook from a friend of mine who was selling them for the Empire State Keeshound Club. These are some of Bailey, Zoe and Baby's favorites. I hope your dog likes them too!

Peanut Butter Dog Treats

3 Cups whole wheat flour
1/2 cup rolled oats
2 tsp. baking powder
1 1/2 cups milk
1 1/4 cups peanut butter
1 Tbsp molasses

Combine flour, oats and baking powder in a large bowl. Mix the milk, peanut butter and molasses until smooth, add to dry ingredients. Knead dough with hands, it will be stiff. Roll out to 1/4" thick and cut into shapes. Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 20 minutes or until lightly browned. Turn off oven and leave in oven until cool. Store in airtight container. Makes 30 biscuits. 

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